Thursday, February 26, 2009

Baby Si, 6 Months Old

Dear Si's Mama,
How could this be the same baby Si? It seems like I just photographed him in his eight week beauty... can he really be celebrating his half-birthday? You brought him in, and it was all I could do to not take a nibble. Si was so snuggly and loveable, and still quite the serious little man.

This first image? My favorite.

Thanks for coming back Si, can't wait to see you for your birthday!

AB| Maryland Baby Photographer


  1. CUUUTE!

    I love the first one best of all! They are all adorable though!! Great work++

  2. How cute is he!!!! I love that first one, Great Job Andrea.

  3. What a sweetie! That first one is to die for, that one should go big! Great job! ++

  4. That first one is to die for. Look at the chub on his legs in the last one. How sweet is that? Yummy pix.++

  5. Ohhhh yummy baby!! The first one should be on a huge canvas! Love it!!

  6. what a sweetie baby! And the first photo is absolutely gorgeous!

  7. Beautiful images! What a sweetie! I love his little smile in 2 & 3. ++

  8. #1 Rocks, I love it, Luv it LUUUUVVV it! Great job!

  9. That is one gorgeous baby! I love that first shot. Love it. I just want to pinch that baby's fat.
