She's so beautiful inside and out! She really wanted a photo session for her 16th birthday, and her mom surprised her, isn't that neat? These were shot after it had rained all day and the sun finally peeked out. This was also my last session before my official maternity leave...
Melanie, my pleasure! Thanks for the afternoon of girly giggles!
Characters, the pair of these kids! Mom & I have been friends since our pregnancies with both our oldest, they are only a couple weeks apart in age. M&M here are so jubilantly active and inquisitive... they are really a good belly laugh. In fact, they basically posed themselves for these photos, and they truly show of their big personalities!
And don't you love the background choices? It reminds me of this Easter time of pastels and eggs....
Andrea Burns| Northern Virginia Child Photographer
I recently got to shoot a beautiful darling girl. The only catch was that she was extremely shy. So shy in fact, that I could *only* take pictures of her in her mother's lap. And she was still so very serious.
But then I broke out my secret weapon. Many of you know about my weapon.
Squawky Chicken came out of hiding... and I've never seen anyone light up and laugh so hard at him.
Miss E *loved* Squawky Chicken. She never did warm up enough to come off Mama's lap, but I still think I captured glimpses of her beauty....
Andrea Burns| Northern Virginia Children's Photographer
Every single one of these kids. I have to be honest. When one of the aunts contacted me about a photo shoot of 8 kids, four under 4, I was nervous.
Until I got there. And every single one of them had eyelashes up-to-there, sweet smiles, and they were all very easy. There are 5 families represented here, all cousins. All beautiful spirits.
And on to some single shots...
B family~ you make it easy!
Andrea Burns| Maryland Family & Child Photographer
I love photography, and the never ending learning curve of the art. I am a wife to my wonderful husband of 8 years and mother to three.
I'm an artist and a photographer located in Montgomery Village, MD specializing in children and their families. My blog is where I post my more recent work as well as any exciting news or deals that I'm having. Be sure to check back often. Oh, and if you want to make my day, leave me a comment.... I would love to hear from you. Thanks!
You can contact me at andrea.l.burns(AT)hotmail(DOT)com
Andrea is an on-location and studio photographer in the Montgomery County, MD area. She specializes in custom portraits of newborns, babies, children, teens and families.
All of the images contained on this website are the sole property of Andrea Burns Photography and can not be copied, reproduced, or used without written permission.